cp 2.0

Collaborative Projects 2.0: Online vote coming soon

Online voting for the first sprint will begin on December 10.
Projects are still coming in, and you can either join an existing project to participate collaboratively in it or present your own project.

Please remember that this is an annual contest and that it will be carried out in three stages called “sprints” in which projects can be presented, developed and strengthened. Each of these stages ends with a vote in which the Community evaluates each project as well as the value contributed by them.

For more information, see  

See the full list of Collaborative Projects (to date):

Extensions Category
*Product Quality Management
Extension to GeneXus X EV1 that allows you to manage the quality features defined by the user. The project will focus on providing support to the largest possible number of features described in the ISO 9126 quality standard.

It will allow you to execute SQL sentences, save the result, and execute a For Each command to return the data directly from GeneXus, in any DataStore located in its KB.
WorkWith Pattern with Security
Pattern similar to WorkWith but with new resources, implementing control of access to objects by user and user profile, user and group login, and access statistics to options. 
Table Data to XML
Extension that exports the data of all tables or only the selected ones to XML.
 Automatic Pattern Generator
GeneXus extension that allows generating a Pattern from several "instances" existing in the Knowledge Base.
Extension that will make it possible to implement analysis and processing tools on GeneXus KBs using the GeneXus language.
Online Payments User Control
User Control aimed at easily loading a structure that can be executed to make an online purchase with ease. The objective of this control is to introduce the option to make purchases on a website and pay by credit card or PayPal, for instance.
UTL Analyzer
It's a new option at the object level that analyzes and determines, following the objects in the call tree (properties and content), the beginning and end of the UTL in which it is involved.
Location of devices using GPS
It's a GeneXus extension that will make it possible to find, in a city or country map, the GPS coordinates of mobile devices such as phones, GPRs devices or their sensors, and track private vehicles and those in a fleet. It has a Silverlight system that allows for navigating digital maps, reading information from the devices, representing their location, generating zones, etc., with the need for adding a control that enables simple access from GeneXus to be used from any KB.
Community Messenger
It's the instant messaging tool for the community and your project team. It has its own Server, it can be integrated into the IDE and supports other clients.
Audit management of GeneXus-developed systems.
RCOMenu Tools & Documentation for GX
A suite of applications with the following features: quick access to the main GeneXus directories, rebuild of Java webapps, Copy GXUI Files, List Transactions and attributes, Select Objects to Build (several objects simultaneously), Start and Stop Windows and DB Services.

 Knowledge Bases Category
* PlanetaGX
It's a Planet or blog aggregator developed with GeneXus and with more features than the current software used for

Virtual Desktop
Website with more features than a desktop: text editor, spreadsheets, games, among other things.
Sports Forecast Game focused on Soccer (local tournaments, international championships, qualifying rounds, World Cup).
Hijos de Ator - the game
Second version of a game based on WEB and RPG rules. This game is about a wizard who finds himself trapped in a hostile world and competes against his peers until one of them wins (the one who confronts the wardens and sets all of them free).
PMS - Project Management System
A software development projects management system. It provides the possibility of using the Gantt chart to manage the project, supports the generation of release notes, Quality Assurance work and statistics for the different project stakeholders.
The GeneXus Community on a map… You will be able to locate yourself on the world map, know how many fellow GeneXus users are near you, and share experiences and projects, all of it with a user-friendly graphic interface.
 More info at: CP 2.0 Projects
*Those indicated with an asterisk are the ones that were added after the previous edition of GXnews.
Interview: Collaborative Projects 2.0
Collaborative Projects 2.0
CP2.0 Interview: Genoma
CP2.0 Interview: ProdeStar
CP2.0 Interview: Desktop Virtual
CP2.0 Interview: Hijos de Ator
CP 2.0: PMS - Project Management System
CP 2.0: UTL Analyzer
CP 2.0: InSQL
CP 2.0: ListTables
CP 2.0: WorkWith Pattern with security
CP 2.0: Automatic Pattern Generator
CP 2.0: RCOMenu Tools & Documentation for GX
CP 2.0: Community Messenger
CP 2.0: Planet GX Interview