
Collaborative Projects

GeneXus Community is going to present the first results of the recently launched Collaborative Projects proposal at the XVI GeneXus International Meeting.

With the purpose of further integrating the GeneXus Community ARTech has launched Collaborative Projects: community-oriented development projects conducted by groups of GeneXus users with GeneXus technology.

The idea is that GeneXus users participate and collaborate among themselves sharing their know-how with the rest of the community, sharing their experience, tips and knowledge on developing with GeneXus.

There are many ways to participate in Collaborative Projects: conducting a new project, contributing ideas, or joining one of the ongoing projects. Projects need to be shorter than three months and must be performed by GeneXus users working teams.

"I am pleased with the enthusiasm that the announcement had generated in the GeneXus forums", said Armin Bachmann, head of Collaborative Projects at ARTech. "Within the first week following the launch there were already several projects underway and others being prepared. Participating in the projects is highly enriching and beneficial for all involved. Join us!",  Bachmann added.

The first completed projects -or with completed utility stages- conducted by groups of users with GeneXus technologies as a result of this initiative, will be presented at the XVI GeneXus International Meeting, announced María José Serres, from ARTech's marketing department.

ARTech will help make these projects known and will present participants with Recognitions and Diplomas during the XVI GeneXus International Meeting on September 18- 20, 2006 in Montevideo (Uruguay), she added.

More information:

If you wish to participate in Collaborative Projects and present a project and you still have questions, please contact Armin Bachmann:  

ForumSR: web query to the GeneXus forums is already available
Collaborative Projects: Participate with your project!
GeneXus releases its next version