Confluencia FTO introduces in Argentina a successful end-to-end management system for healthcare organizations

By developing SiSalud with GeneXus, the company achieved 50 percent savings in time and productivity, and savings of almost 100 percent in training. This flexible solution is now present in large healthcare organizations in the country, such as the union-run health insurance plans OSAM (Obra social de la Actividad Minera - Miners' health insurance fund), and Osmédica (Obra Social de Los Medicos - Doctors' health insurance fund).
Confluencia FTO, a consulting company in Argentina dedicated to the development of IT systems and functional consulting services focused on the health sector, has used GeneXus to develop its latest end-to-end management system based on web technology and especially designed for healthcare organizations.

“The agility to lay out a business model, the possibility to develop applications using the evolutionary prototype philosophy, and the quick response to requests for new features or changes were the main reasons for us to choose GeneXus as our development tool,” explained Juan Fernando Bazterrica, Managing Partner at Confluencia. “Our main objective was to stay at the forefront of the market niche with a management system for small to medium sized healthcare organizations, updated with the latest technologies including the advantages of the web and the possibility to distribute it in SaaS mode, and we've successfully achieved it,” he affirmed.

The savings brought by SiSalud in development times and productivity were of 50 percent, and of 100 percent in training. This project wouldn't have been possible if it had involved training the staff in the new tool due to high costs in time and investments.

“We explored options for using other tools, but we needed to find skilled staff or train our team, which was very costly and not in line with our objectives. We made a test with our team, but the learning curve with other tools was very slow,” explained Mr. Bazterrica.

SiSalud is an end-to-end management system for healthcare organizations based on web technology, especially designed for healthcare plans and the unions that create them, prepaid healthcare organizations and health management organizations. The system allows for the global management of various types of data coming from various platforms in a single location, in a simple manner that can be easily adapted to changes.
At present, SiSalud is used by some of the most important health insurance organizations in the country, such as OSAM (Obra social de la Actividad Minera - Miners' health insurance fund) and Osmédica (Obra Social de Los Medicos -  Doctors' health insurance fund), which have chosen it because it is versatile, multiplatform and easily adapted to changes. It will soon be implemented in FEMEDICA (Federación Médica de Capital - Healthcare organization of the capital city).
Confluencia FTO.