cp 2.0

CP 2.0: Sign up to participate in the 2nd sprint that has just begun. Your skills are waiting!

Here are the new projects and a list of projects that welcome collaborators in different areas.
Collaborative Projects 2.0 has started 2010 with great enthusiasm and six new projects (*) that are part of the 2nd sprint roster. Meanwhile, some of the projects from Sprint 1 currently need more participants to grow even further. For this reason, developers, designers, testers, translators and documenters, among others, are welcome. Join the 2nd sprint now!
Below is the complete list of projects:

Knowledge Bases
(*) WebSense GX: This project is aimed at controlling Linux applications (with Webmail – Proxy Manager, Firewall Manager, Tomcat Manager modules).
(*) GXBlog: This KB provides a blog system that is pre-configured and ready for use. It can be used independently or integrated into other projects.
Knowledge Base Projects presented in sprint 1
ProdeStars (in need of collaborators)
News :: Wiki
Hijos de Ator - the game (in need of collaborators)
News :: Wiki
PMS - Project Management System
News :: Wiki
GeneXusMap (in need of collaborators)
News :: Wiki
Virtual Desktop (in need of collaborators)
News :: Wiki
PlanetaGX (in need of collaborators)
News :: Wiki

(*)Product Quality Management: GeneXus X Ev1 extension that will make it possible to manage quality features defined by the user. The project will be based on supporting the largest possible number of features described in the ISO 9126 quality model.
(*) Teamwork Tools: Management of alerts about the activities of other users in the Knowledge Base. It allows detecting who are using an object, and when they opened or closed it. It provides a Messenger that simplifies communication among team members sharing a KB.
(*) GXlog: Audit Pattern for recording the ABMs of a transaction. The Log Pattern will generate a transaction identical to the selected one with a numeric LogId primary key, for example, and the rest of the transaction attributes will be secondary and will have a prefix configured in the pattern by the developer using Log + Original Attribute Name (designated by the developer) plus the date, user and process time.
(*) GXPoints: Device for measuring functional points for GeneXus.

Extension Projects presented in sprint 1
Community Messenger
News :: Wiki
G-Audit: (in need of collaborators)
News :: Wiki
RCOMenu Tools & Documentation for GX
News :: Wiki
Online Payments User Control
News :: Wiki
UTL Analyzer (in need of collaborators)

News :: Wiki
Location of devices using GPS
News :: Wiki
WorkWith Pattern with Security

News :: Wiki
Table Data to XML
News :: Wiki
Automatic Pattern Generator (in need of collaborators)

News :: Wiki
Genoma (in need of collaborators)

News :: Wiki
News :: Wiki
News :: Wiki

Soon the Community will be called on to participate in the beta testing process of the CP 2.0 products.
Interview: Collaborative Projects 2.0
Tips for participating in Collaborative Projects 2.0
Collaborative Projects 2.0
Interview: Collaborative Projects 2.0
CP2.0 Interview: Genoma
CP2.0 Interview: ProdeStar
Collaborative Projects 2.0: Online vote coming soon
CP2.0 Interview: Desktop Virtual
CP2.0 Interview: GeneXusMap
CP2.0 Interview: Hijos de Ator
CP 2.0: PMS - Project Management System
CP 2.0: UTL Analyzer
CP 2.0: InSQL
CP 2.0: ListTables
CP 2.0: WorkWith Pattern with security
Collaborative Projects 2.0