cp 2.0

CP2.0 Interview: ProdeStar

Javier González presents the ProdeStar project and tells us what this game is about, as well as his motivation to create a team to participate in CP 2.0.

Javier González I GeneXus Development

What is the ProdeStar project about?
The objective is to develop and application for making sports forecasts. In that sense, ProdeStar will be an entertainment application.
Soccer is the most popular sport worldwide and we all think that nobody knows more than us, so a forecasts game is always interesting, especially because the world cup is drawing near. On the other hand, the possibility of competing against friends and colleagues using forecasts and from anywhere in the world, is also an enjoyable way to socialize.
Why do you think that participating in CP 2.0 is a good opportunity?
Because, for me, it provides an opportunity for integration within the GeneXus Community, to meet colleagues and keep more in touch.
What are the challenges to overcome in your project?
The first challenge will be to become used to GeneXus X, since I'm not familiar with this version. From there, I intend to take advantage of all the benefits offered by Web 2.0 technology.
What are your expectations in relation to CP 2.0?
My personal objective is to learn and share experiences with the other Community members who participate in CP 2.0. My greatest expectation is to complete the project and that it is well received by the Community.

ProdeStar Profile:

To develop an application for making Sports Forecasts. The game will have to provide the possibility to forecast individual results and groups of matches, just like in a betting card.

Individual Forecasts: This option will be useful for championships such as the World Cup and Champions League, where there can be just a few or too many matches per day.

Group Forecasts: This option will be used for league championships, in which matches are scheduled, with the ability to group them with matches from other championships.

The forecasts made by each user will have to be saved in the game application. Hits are counted in general tables and groups can be created with their own rankings. Users can form groups and in these cases the scores of the best player in the group will be counted.

Javier González.

Looking for new members to design a nice interface and contribute with ideas to innovate. Testing will be done among all team members. 

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