
Data Warehouse Shoot by Breogán Gonda

ARTech stimulates the existence of knowledge bases that integrate Data Warehousing technology, and encourages software houses to create a DW in 24 hours. Our goal with it is to demystify Data Warehouse technology.

Currently, we are in the process of carrying out our Data Warehouse Shoot. What is our goal with it?  Quite simply, it is to demystify Data Warehouse technology.

It is just not realistic think of Data Warehouse Systems as completely independent. In fact, we must think outside of the box: we have to think that Systems that support a company in every aspect for all it's needs and excessive fragmentation are mistakes.

GXplorer and, in general, our Data Warehouse technology can be applied to any enterprise, but if the enterprise is a GeneXus client, then there are exceptional additional facilities.

Our goal is to help our partners.  Meaning, software houses that develop with GeneXus. We should especially take great care to assist in the implementation of Data Warehouse solutions for their systems, as well as clients in an efficient and easy manner. Very important applications have been developed with GXplorer. Now, we want to make the use of these applications and GXplorer available to anyone.

Why are we doing this? Frankly speaking, although it is clear that it is very simple to use Data Warehouse solutions with GeneXus , it is also apparent that this technology use is somewhat different from the traditional development of solutions. The first time syndrome, and it's stigma, is prevalent, and it will take a supported team effort to overcome it.

The great success of GIVS (GeneXus Internet Virtual Space, where we are giving support to several important portals or electronic commerce initiatives, which will be divulged as soon as it would be prudent to do so) encourages us to follow suit with other products and services: it shows us that the team effort scheme is the best way to approach new technologies.

Echoes of DWShoot
GeneXus releases its next version