
ERP LISA to China

"LISA/ERP Chinese Version is our main task for 2006 and GeneXus 9.0 our technological partner", stated Javier Prambs commercial manager of Browse.

"Browse, IngenierĂ­a de software" is a Chilean company founded in 1988 to offer a quality technological alternative in the IT solutions market. "After developing the first projects with traditional methods, we gave an important step when we incorporated GeneXus as a strategic tool", pointed Prambs.

GeneXus has allowed us to manage knowledge, given by the experience we have acquired through these years in different organizations, which enabled us to deliver products with high levels of reliability, maturity and integration to our clients, he added.

Particularly, Browse Chile develops and markets LISA, an ERP ((Enterprise Resource Planning) for the management of enterprise resources, with the capacity to manage full cycles of sales, procurement, stock, human resources, accounting, finance and production.

Browse is now generating an ERP LISA version for China to venture in the Chinese market in 2006, with the support of the Chilean Government. "The Chinese version of LISA/ERP is our main task for 2006 and GeneXus 9.0 is our technological partner", highlighted Prambs.

"Accessing the Chinese market with Latin American technology is a substantial challenge and it is not an easy task. The government's support, through Innova Chile (CORFO), has been essential for accepting this sizeable task that has commercial, contract and cultural implications in addition to the technological aspects," explained the commercial manager of Browse.

"Chile is about to sign a Free Trade Agreement with China in November of this year. This will put Chile in a vantage point, and will be an addition to the previous free trade agreements that Chile has already signed with USA, Canada, Mexico, EU, P4 Group and now with China, giving Chile access to 63% of the world's GDP."

Additionally, the company has just received the ISO 9001:2000 Certification. "The implementation of a quality system has allowed us to improve our internal procedures as well as our relation with clients and suppliers, and what's more important, feel that the organization is committed and integrated towards achieving the proposed goals and objectives, explained Mr. Pedro Carrasco, Quality Manager.

The next step will be to obtain CMMI Level 2 certification, informed Carrasco, who leads the task of preparing the organization to face this challenge.



Internet Applications developed with GeneXus
The Military School of Chile uses GXPortal and CGU