
From GeneXus 7.0 to Rocha version

Nicolás Jodal, ARTech 's Vice-President , addressed the soon-to-be-released GeneXus 7.5 version as well as future plans concerning the Rocha version. All this, at the XII GeneXus International Meeting

While GeneXus versions completed the client-server applications cycle, version 7.0 was a way to breach the distance to Internet, claimed Nicolás Jodal, ARTech's Vice-President. We tried to perfect the use of Internet in an evolution of GeneXus 7.0 that ended up becoming a new GeneXus 7.5 version, to be released in the near future, and through which the market needs can be met. We have developed GX 7.5 in order to make applications with a Windows face and a Web face able to become integrated to other applications ( Web Services ), able to carry out analyses ( datawarehouse ), and able to generate applications for non-traditional devices, stated Jodal.
With this last GeneXus version, important Web applications for final clients as well as back office applications (GX Vision) have been carried out. Short Messages System (SMS) technology is being used in order to offer customized services (Montevideo COMM), WAP
(HTS Consultores), operation in cell phones have been programmed, and the same has occurred with PDAs and Pocket PC.
Meanwhile, for GeneXus, the use of SMS technology is as simple as sending an e-mail; the applications for these other devices only represent a webpanel, indicated Jodal.
ARTech's Vice-President announced that the next version, called Rocha, would not be an evolution, but rather a more in-depth work.

Rocha will make it very easy to connect GeneXus transactions among each other, it will increase the orientation to objects in the language, it will make it possible to generate componentized applications, and it will componentize GeneXus itself. It will also include version control and internationalization, two of the more requested features by GeneXus users.
Besides, we will have an evolution outline in generators, which will incorporate greater power in the user interface, and more simple ways to shift applications from Windows to Web, announced Jodal.

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II GeneXus Users Meeting in Peru
II GeneXus Users Meeting in Peru.
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