
GeneXus at the Microsoft Tech Ed 2001

ARTech-GeneXus exhibited at the Microsoft Tech Ed 2001 event, which ran from June 17 - 21 in Atlanta, Georgia. At the event, we announced the availability of two important betas that are compatible with the Microsoft .NET Framework.

ARTech-GeneXus exhibited at the Microsoft Tech Ed 2001 event, which ran from June 17 - 21 in Atlanta, Georgia (World Congress Center).  At the event, we announced the availability of two important betas that are compatible with the Microsoft .NET Platform.   In addition, we are also very excited as we were selected to be part of Bill Gates keynote speech. This selection came from an elite EAP (Early Adopter Program) group of 36 companies in the world.  If you attending Tech Ed and sitting in on Bill Gates’ keynote speech, you might of noticed Mr. Gates asking some trivia questions about ARTech-GeneXus and our C# generator, and you may know the answers!

The two betas we announced were GXC# & GXVision.  GXC# is our beta version for Microsoft’s new language C#, for the .NET Platform, which has all the benefits of using GeneXus.  Additionally, GXC# handles all the schema modifications and data transformation functions for C#.  GXVision is a complete application for the TV Cable business in Latin America, developed with GeneXus GXC# for .NET.  GXVision has over 1700 programs, 300 tables, and 700 Webforms. It was converted to the new Microsoft language with over 2 million lines of generated Microsoft C# code deployed to. NET. Two developers accomplished this in 2 months using 1 tool: GeneXus.  Today, GXVision is one of the largest commercial applications in the world inside the Microsoft .NET universe.  This new release will allow our clients worldwide (23 countries) to move their applications to Microsoft’s .NET Platform, in a seamless, rapid and inexpensive way.

For more information about GeneXus and its new C# generator, please go to, for more information about GXVision go to

For Tech Ed 2001 information click here:

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