
GeneXus News 2.0

GeneXus expands its communication channels on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Orkut.

The GeneXus world news, in addition to the possibility of being read in the portal, consumed through RSS feeds or blogs, and being sent by email every two weeks (GXnews), now offer other reading alternatives on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Orkut.

Twitter, with 6 million users, is one of the social web tools that have grown the most recently. It can serve as a news outlet and content recommender through microblogging (text posts under 140 characters in length).

Twitter also offers original search mechanisms that somehow compete with Google but which are different because they highlight searches for current issues.

You can twitter and follow twits from both computers and mobile devices, and in this way you can immediately know a news story with flashes through any device connected to the Internet:


Twitter also offers the possibility of incorporating Flash Widgets that can be embedded in a blog, Facebook and other websites.

We invite you to follow GeneXus through Twitter( Folower GeneXus) and take advantage of its connectivity to be up to the minute on the latest news. consumes:

1. RSS feeds of GXnews in English
2. RSS feeds of User Controls
3. RSS feeds of Extensions
4. RSS feeds of Blog X
5. News about nightbuilds

Facebook is the most popular social network in Latin America (approximately 150 million). There, GeneXus has an assortment of groups for its products and GUGs, where in addition to sharing news you can post topics in the debate forum.

If you are a Facebook user, we invite you to search for GeneXus and become a member.

 LinkedIn is a social network with a professional profile for business contacts.

The two features of LinkedIn that stand out from those of other networks are:

1) A profile scheme designed on the basis of a digital Résumé that supports "recommendations" for tasks or positions held from partners, colleagues, clients, and so on.

2) The contact networks are clearly defined, and you can see the "degrees of separation" that exist between your own profile and those of other users or intermediate contacts. The users' profile is also represented by common "Interest Groups."

The GeneXus Community is made up of members from several countries.

In LinkedIn you can also find groups for GeneXus Instructors and Analysts.

If you are interested in the business opportunities that can be generated through this contact network, you may join the GeneXus group on LinkedIn.

For Portuguese speakers we have a GeneXus site on Orkut (social network promoted by Google), as it is the most popular network in Brazil (according to Wikipedia, 70% of all Orkut subscribers are from Brazil).

Sandro Magrinelli Vianna, the owner of the most popular GeneXus group on Orkut says that people who use or are trying GeneXus have submitted questions online and that job opportunities have been successfully generated.

Overall, the Community has an excellent level of activity and participation.

If you are a GeneXus user and have an account on Orkut, you're welcome to join this group.

Social tools used in GeneXus websites::

In GeneXus we also use some social tools to share knowledge. They are:

Meneame is a website based on community participation where registered users post stories that the other users of the site (registered or not) can vote for, promoting those with the most votes to the homepage. It combines social markers, blogging and syndication with a publication system with no editors.

When a Meneame user sends a news article, it goes to a special section called "Cola de pendientes" (Pending queue) which can be viewed by all users and where it will be voted by them. Both registered and anonymous users can vote for the news articles, but only registered users can submit negative votes and comments about them.

Reddit is a social marker website where users can leave links to web contents. Other users can vote for or against those links, making them appear more or less highlighted.

Digg is a website focused primarily on science and technology news. It combines social markers, blogging and syndication with a hierarchy-less organization and democratic editorial control, thus enabling publication of articles on a wide range of topics.

Users send news stories and recommendations for web pages and make them available to the community members who rate them and whose distinctive assessment system is measured according to the users' classification. is a service for management of online social markers that makes it possible to add the markers which were traditionally saved in browsers and assign categories to them with a labeling system called folksonomy (tagging). Not only can it store websites, but it also makes it possible to share them with other users and determine how many of them have a certain link stored in their markers. 
Let’s keep playing... Now it's Twitter's turn!
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