
GeneXus Olimar beta 1 version released

GeneXus Olimar beta 1 version was released last week; the betatest process, in which you are all invited to participate, has begun.

GeneXus Olimar beta 1 version has introduced changes in the GeneXus data model that enhance reorganizations and subtypes, along with some new features for the Web environment.
People interested in registering as beta-testers, obtaining the version and the corresponding documentation, are welcome to do so at:
This time, a new automatic key authorization mechanism for all GeneXus Olimar beta-testers version has been incorporated.

Main features of the GeneXus Olimar  beta 1 version

New reports editor

-  It separates the print-block edition from the code's edition.
- It maintains printing subordinated to the code through print commands that reference print blocks by their name.
- Code edition includes syntax coloring, intellitips, search, etc.

Upgrades for the Web environment
- Transactions may be Web Components such as the Web panels.
- Collapsible sub-files may be defined: content organization is now better organized; it is possible to expand or hide a sub-file, and there is no need to refresh the page.
- A sub-file's line may be selected: design of Work with' type-of-Web Panels and Win-to-Web environment conversion are made easier.

Upgrades on the data model (GeneXus core)
- Nested subtypes may be defined: an inferred subtype may be defined from an inferred subtype.
- New reorganizations support: reorganizations that in the past had to be carried out in two steps, may now be performed in a single step; tables are deleted from the DBMS, etc.
- AutoNumber Property: enables to automatically number a table's primary key.
- Initial Value Property: this property enables initialization of an attribute with a constant value as long as it is added to a table (any table) in the database's reorganization.

Reports in C#
-   This version enables report generation with the C# generator, and output to file and screen:
File: through the output file rule, with txt, rtf, xml or pdf extensions
Screen: pdf reports with call http protocol (for configuring the http protocol, the object has to be main).

Note: The Java generator will be available soon.

For more information:

GeneXus Olimar Version beta 2 released
GeneXus Olimar version beta 3 has been released
From GeneXus Olimar version: Theme Object (I)