
GeneXus Sites on the Internet:

Expresarse is a space on the Internet where on can freely express their opinions, suggestions, make complaints or show appreciation. When a user registers, he can visit the expressions catalog, incorporate his comments or join announcements.

Expresarse <> is a space on the Internet where on can freely express their opinions, suggestions, make complaints or show appreciation. When a user registers, he can visit the expressions catalog, incorporate his comments or join in the published announcements.
The site tries to be an opinion center and a reference for users that access the site, in particular, Spanish-speakers.

The site’s first version, developed in GeneXus, was released on  May 22nd, and new features were incorporated on June 15th.  Changes included searching per text regarding issues  and expressions, things that were added, as well as improvements in the frames.

Site visits  reached 328 on  June 26th with 3100 total clicks throughout the website. 
The site has been promoted since the middle of June, since the banners campaign on the ElSitio portal started, –an exclusive site for films- and in the MontevideoComm portal <>, a supplier of access to the Internet in Uruguay (the expression site is in its server.) The campaign will also be extended to the press. Expresarse is entirely developed with GeneXus version 6.1, with only a couple of HTML frames from outside GX, however,  they are called by GeneXus objects, José Luis Melferber, General Manager, explains.  Currently, the development is in Visual Basic and MSAccess.  In the future, new functions will be incorporated, as well as user demographics. Also, from the technical point of view, a migration to SQL Server and the incorporation of a commercializing system for shooting the Banner are in the near future.

GeneXus releases its next version