
GeneXus Yi: A Much More Productive Environment

SSI Albacete, a GeneXus distributor in Spain, has built a Web site for the Haya Travel travel agency with GeneXus Yi version, using GXpatterns and GXopen components.

Haya Travel is a travel agency based in Almansa, Spain. It has 10 branches and it invoices 7,500,000 euros a year. The company had a static Web and communicated by phone with the branches and suppliers, but it needed to develop a Web site that would let it communicate in real time with them and with their customers.

SSI Albacete, a GeneXus distributor in Spain, developed a Web solution for Haya Travel using the GeneXus Yi version, currently undergoing the betatest process.

Juan Pedro Iriarte, product head of SSI Albacete attests to the GeneXus advancement in this Yi version: "The environment really seems to me a lot more productive. The integration with Patterns is seamless, but what really made me decide to use GeneXus Yi for this Web site's development were the Master Styles and the possibility of handling languages. I haven't tried the Business Components in depth, but in concept I think they are the right ones."

The solution developed for Haya Travel was generated for the .NET platform and is composed of two interrelated parts. The public one is accessed by customers and it's where the offers, news, etc. are published. Its structure was created with Web Components and it is currently being migrated to Master Styles.

The other part of the solution has restricted access and four modules: system administrator, management, supervisors and counter. This private Web was developed with the GXopen components (User Management; Theme Server; Forums; FAQs; Mail Management) and using GXpatterns.

Concerning the new features of GeneXus Yi version, Iriarte emphasizes the easy creation of new projects, the visual helps in the code and the totally transparent Web Components management. Adding all that to GXpatterns we are giving a giant step towards migrating all our applications to Web. I think we will have very few excuses left after GeneXus Yi is launched, stated Iriarte.  

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