#GeneXusDevelopersTools MyCloudApps to manage applications in the GeneXus cloud

Those who have applications in the GeneXus Cloud (apps with property Deploy to Cloud = yes) may now manage them in an agile way with MyCloudApps.
At , the GeneXus Community now has access to the friendly and quick management of all its applications.

The interface shows which apps have been deleted and which are still active. GeneXus detects the absence of F5 in the last 60 days to consider an application as not in use for prototyping, flagging it as inactive. The app is physically deleted 15 days after its flagging. During that 15-day period, the user may restore the application (by doing an F5 from GeneXus or through the MyCloudApps application), returning it to the “active” status. Also, the user may decide to flag an application for deletion (in which case it will be deleted the day after the flagging).

More info:

Deploy to Cloud Applications Administration FAQ

MyCloudApps in GeneXus Community Wiki
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