
Give GXtest a Try

Get ready, GXtest 1.1 is coming! This beta version, which will be free and openly available to the Community, will be released soon with new features that are eagerly awaited since its first release to the market in 2009.
Thanks to the Community’s involvement and feedback using the tool, 2010 begins with a fresh outlook for GXtest, as a new beta of GXtest 1.1 will be released soon.

It will have innovative new features, such as:

• Execution on FireFox
• Significant speed increase when executing tests
• Improved categorization of Test Cases and Data Pools
• Navigation through XReference of Test Cases
• Improved display of results in the Manager

To participate in the beta test process, you don't need to have previously purchased GXtest because the product will be free and openly available to all GeneXus users during the beta test period.

GXtest: for automating functional tests of Web systems. Try it!
GXtest Extensibility
GXtest: automation of functional tests for applications built with GeneXus
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