GXplorer: Goodbye to the reports

With GXplorer it is possible to encapsulate the way for measuring a business in a component, the analyst does not have to program specific reports, and the extraction of information for the users is powered.

Together with GXplorer's growth, we were learning how to design systems that allow and power the information's extraction. At the beginning we saw GXplorer only linked to a Data Warehousing project's performance. Today we take the 'information extraction' function from any system as another function that can be implemented in a more intelligent and efficient way than building N reports. This means that in base to elements that can be easily identified you can quickly build a Data Warehousing component in the whole system, which the final user can simply and dynamically access in his language, through GXplorer.

Nowadays, ARTech's query teams as well as some of our clients, think of all their systems' outputs not as N reports, but as a DW component. This way, it is possible to encapsulate simply and quickly, the way of measuring the business in a component, and the analyst does not have to continue 'programming' infinite specific reports and it makes the information extraction more dynamic and powerful for final users.

In fact, we are working on the creation of a Web page where the GeneXus community can share the knowledge in the construction of these components.

GXplorer in Casasco Laboratories
GeneXus Query in the market
GXplorer 4.0 released