
GXVision .NET : Anticipating the future

GXVision announces the launching of the beta version of GXVision .NET, for the third quarter of 2001. This version, 100% web oriented, includes all the features provided by the new Microsoft.NET Framework, and GeneXus' new C # generator.

GXVision announces the launching of the beta version of GXVision .NET, for the third quarter of  2001. This version, 100% web oriented, includes all the features provided by the new Microsoft.NET Platform, and GeneXus’ new C # generator.

This new version for Internet, will not only allow to minimize the inconveniences of the traditional centralized atmospheres, but also to offer solutions such as ASPs (Application Server Providers).

“This version will possibly change they way we market it, and will not only allow us to offer solutions for the MSOs (Multiple System Operators), but also, to reach small businesses. We are thinking of marketing GXVision like an ASP, installing it in our own servers so that the operators that have 2,000 or 3,000 subscribers may access the system, just by having an Internet line, without the necessity of setting up a computer center”, explained  Michel Bonet, director of GXVision.

 For more information about GXVision go to

 To learn about the new version:

·         GX Vision.NET

·         GX Vision WWW



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