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How to: Create a Data View to connect to SQL Server from a PocketPC

In the example below we will create a data view to the apersona database in order to allow local data to be synchronized with the central sql server when mobile devices are connected to the network.
The NET Mobile platform supports the use of both SQL CE and SQL Server as database.

We can define the tables of the mobile application in SQL CE and some in SQL Server and access them through a Data View. This would allow us to use a GeneXus procedure to copy data directly from one table to another.

Upon performing the following steps, the network can be “seen” while being connected to the device base and it is connected, in turn, to a PC (read communication mechanisms). Being part of the network allows you to view the rest of the machines and this enables you to access the central databases. That’s how the creation of Data Views to the tables of those bases will make it possible to develop mobile applications that handle that data.

Read step-by-step information on the CommunityWiki 

The Data View object allows defining all the information related to a table of an external database, in order to access it as any other table created with GeneXus.
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