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How to: GXflow and Query Object in GeneXus X Evolution 1

To start getting in tune with GeneXus X Evolution 1.
How to: GXflow and BPMN

One of the new developments included in GeneXus Evolution 1 is related to its Workflow, whose process modeler (Business Process Diagram) is based on BPMN (Business Process Management Notation), the standard graphical representation that provides more expressiveness to model business processes.

In the How-to article below you will find the best practices for using it in the IDE, explained through the example of an airline ticket reservation process consisting in 4 steps that go from the creation of the objects that will be part of the process and the activity diagram of the process model, up to the execution of the final process.

View it in the CommunityWiki

More Workflow examples in GeneXus X Evolution 1:

How To Work With Documents Evolution
How To Work With Event Handlers
How to build your own Inbox
How to start a process from an external application
How to close and complete a workitem using the workflow datatypes
How to get logged user
How to change your Inbox Theme
How to list workitems filtered by status
How to get and set a relevant data value

How to: Query Object

El nuevo objeto Query se integró a la arquitectura de GeneXus X Evolution 1, por lo que podemos tener soluciones de Business Intelligence integradas dentro de la KB y del proceso de desarrollo. Así, se facilitan las consultas dinámicas y la manipulación de datos, a la vez que el acceso a la información resulta más sencillo para el usuario final.

Vea el siguiente How to publicado en el CommunityWiki. En él se detalla el uso del objeto Query (utilizando la base de conocimiento de Easy Invoincing), y se muestra el resultado de una consulta, definida con un Objeto Query o el output de un DataProvider, dentro de una página Web.

En GeneXus X Evolution 1 también se destaca el User Controls Query Viewer, el cual muestra el resultado de una consulta, definida con un objeto Query, dentro de una página Web. Aquí puede ver ejemplos básicos en screenshots, comenzando con el classical Invoice data model, donde se muestran el uso del Query Viewer empleando Pivot Tables and Charts.

Por último, le invitamos a leer el How to donde se muestra al User Control Query Viewer para la explotación de la aplicación final.
How to: Define a Query Object in the Knowledge Base
How to: Query Object
New Pivot Table control for the Query object
Example for accessing the GXflow API
GeneXus Process Modeler based on BPMN
GeneXus X Evolution 1 has been released!
How to: GXflow
GXflow setup now online
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