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Interview to DVelop: Startup with GeneXus!

We talked to Agustín Napoleone –business manager of one of the two companies selected by Endeavor– about the beginnings of DVelop, its sustained growth, their relationship with GeneXus, their work on migrations using the WorkWithPlus pattern, and their presence at the users' meetings held in Uruguay and abroad.
Agustín Napoleone y Joaquín Álvarez

DVelop is a young company integrated by Agustín Napoleone, business manager; Joaquín Álvarez, software factory manager; Paula Gallotti, services manager; and Ignacio Fonseca, technology manager. Since it was founded, it has specialized in providing development, consulting and training services on Microsoft and GeneXus technologies.
-When did the relationship of DVelop with the GeneXus technology and Artech begin?
-Right from the beginning, because Ignacio and Joaquín used to work at Artech. And when we decided to create a business plan out of our University project in order to make it a reality, our idea to work with the GeneXus technology took shape, more precisely to work with migrations to the new version, and we thought this was a very good alternative. We joined the Platform Partners Program and started to develop tools that make the migration process more efficient, especially on the Web.
-DVelop participated in the XVIII GeneXus International Meeting that took place in 2008…
Yes, we had a booth there and realized that it generated many opportunities. It was our first experience at a business exhibition of products and services, and we were extremely impressed because in three days we were able to see how big the GeneXus Community really is. The Meeting was very productive because we made a lot of new contacts. What’s more, thanks to that first event today we're exporting to Chile. And in 2009, we participated again in the GeneXus International Meeting, as well as in the users' meetings of the United States and Chile. This year, in March, we are going to the VII GeneXus Meeting in Mexico.
-2009 and 2010 have been successful years for the GeneXus Platform Partner. DVelop has succeeded, in record time, in positioning itself as a young promise in the regional IT sector and has grown steadily. In 2009 you crossed the ocean to be finalists at La Red Innova Startup Competition in Madrid, and the company was selected to be part of the “Promises” program sponsored by Endeavor. First, tell us, what was the experience like at La Red Innova Startup in Madrid?
-La Red Innova is a new convention of technology enterprises; from Latin America, there were 15 countries, and we were representing Uruguay. It was a wonderful experience; we gained first-hand knowledge of the innovative environment, the pulse of technology. There were all kinds of projects: medicine, biotechnology, transport, and so on, especially related to the Internet. It was interesting to meet them, how they presented themselves, the interaction with other entrepreneurs, the different ways in which Latin American and European companies start their operations, the search for investors. We learned a lot from it.
-Are there any differences between the beginnings of a Latin American and a European company?
- The idea to find an investor when you want to create a company is more of a North American and European concept, also related to the fact that there is much more risk capital available to launch projects. In South America it is a bit more difficult, and in general those who want to create their own companies begin with a small initial capital. However, this is changing now; for example, in Uruguay new enterprises are starting to be supported by initiatives such as Ingenio (company incubator where DVelop was included in 2008) and programs sponsored by ANII, among others.
-What did it mean to you to be one of the two companies selected in Uruguay for Endeavor’s “Promises” program?
-Just participating in the selection process was a great experience. We’ve already seen that belonging to the worldwide network of entrepreneurs will open us many doors due to the contacts, opportunities, and mentoring provided by outstanding professionals. By participating in Promises, in addition, we are working with a technology expert from the region to develop our internationalization plan.
-As for internationalization, you have already made your first steps working for other countries in the Americas such as Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, United States and Canada…
- Yes, Chile and Uruguay are the countries where were worked more at the services and consulting level. In addition, our WorkWithPlus pattern –the product we developed to increase Web development productivity using the latest version of GeneXus– has been sold to clients in all those countries that you've mentioned.
-In relation to the company's growth in its beginnings, do you think that working with GeneXus has helped you?
- Absolutely, because we were able to take advantage of their sales and distribution channels to position ourselves in new markets. All this through their events, vendors, and so on. It’s a very important endorsement.
-Next March 17, DVelop will be present at the VII Meeting in Mexico …
Yes, we want to take advantage of the synergy that these events create for the Community, make connections, and give presentations of the products that we have developed. We're going to Mexico to present an alternative for migrating to GeneXus X because the Community needs to support the growth of technology, and we will also be there to share our experience. To all whose who are reading this article and will attend the VII Meeting in Mexico, we'd like to invite you to visit DVelop's booth, where you will be able to learn about our new developments and tell us your experiences, so that this communication is beneficial for all of us.
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