
Joint project between GeneXus Consulting and ICA

Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay (BROU) has automated credit card operations with a system developed by GeneXus Consulting and Ingenieros Consultores y Asociados (ICA)

"The success of the project accomplished at BROU reflects the new GeneXus Consulting strategy, which fosters the incorporation of business partners for embarking jointly on different projects", said Alfonso Berriel, Commercial Manager at GeneXus Consulting.
Berriel also explained that ICA's expertise and knowledge, mainly on Workflow technology  -
in particular, Director Herman Steffenn's expertise on the subject- is what led GeneXus Consulting to partner with the company on the BROU's project. "Steffenn is an academic guru on this topic", he added. Furthermore, ICA has been in charge of all the quality process concerning the project.

The system, which was developed with GeneXus
, automates all Mastercard and VISA credit card operations between the headquarters and the 120 BROU's branches spread throughout the country. BROU, founded in 1896, has about 170,000 credit card clients who own one or more credit cards with their corresponding extensions.

The system handles the input of clients' requests for service, internal authorization processing, communication with processors for card issuance, payment to participating businesses, collection postings, and all customer service-related issues (such as credit limit
increases, debt control, automatic debit, etc).

Card service requests can be turned in and authorized at any of the BROU branches. Card issuance is handled with card processors from the headquarters located in Montevideo.
The use of GXFlow on this project made a substantial difference; furthermore, this implementation has generated an important source of feedback on the product itself, which has been gathered in the new version (GXFlow 7.5), reported Claudia Araujo,
project manager.

The application,
which includes 2,500 objects, has been developed with GeneXus 7.0 and generated on Java. All 120 branches use the Web application and are connected to the main systems by a 64K line. At BROU's headquarters, there is a Win application communicated with the application server and the processors through optic fiber.

Until now, operations were paper-based, reported Araujo. He also added that all information is now centralized in such a way that there are no repeated data.

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