
Material from the XIV GeneXus International Meeting

The XIV GeneXus International Meeting gathered over 4500 individuals: 3000 people attended the Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza and more than 1500 participated through the Internet.

Once again, the Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel in Montevideo witnessed the great level of activity displayed by 3000 individuals from 21 countries during the three-day XIV GeneXus International Meeting. In addition, over 1500 individuals participated in the event through the Internet, since the presentations were transmitted live.

This year, the meeting had more than 120 sessions, including presentations and labs and featuring speakers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, United States, Japan, Mexico and Uruguay. A little over one third of the speakers at the event were members of ARTech?s team. The rest of the presentations were given by experts in GeneXus-related technology and solutions and by clients who presented successful cases, where the GeneXus technology played a crucial role.

As it is already customary, the X GeneXus Knowledge Base Exhibition took place during the event, featuring the latest solutions developed by software companies that use GeneXus products and solutions. Please visit,60,583,19

The International Meeting is a milestone in the GeneXus Community calendar. GeneXus users not only learn about the latest technological trends related to GeneXus, but also share their experiences with other users and establish important business and professional contacts. According to the attendees, GeneXus International Meeting renews their enthusiasm in this unique technology in the world, and allows them to reconfirm ARTech?s commitment with its community.

At the GeneXus International Meeting Web page you will be able to download all the conference?s presentations and videos, as well as pictures from the event, My Networking application to continue increasing your business contacts, and much more!

Please visit

XI International GeneXus Users Meeting
GeneXus users' Meeting site
XI GeneXus Users' International Meeting
Attendance success!
What we heard in the conferences
The capacity of learning, a necessity of these times
Technical information library
Technical area personalization
The future, a personal view. Eng. Breogán Gonda
XII International GeneXus Meeting
GeneXus in the technology and business field
More than 500 people registered for the Genexus Meeting
Online Agenda
Lectures on products and services