
Megal: Sales Information in Real Time

The gas bottling and distribution company Megal is getting ready to increase the coverage area in the Uruguayan territory and its participation in that market with a system developed with GeneXus 9.0

Megal is the third gas bottling and distribution company in Uruguay, with distribution in Montevideo, Canelones, Colonia, Maldonado, Rocha, and San José (and soon in the rest of the country). The distribution is made by means of trucks that travel the country with their salesmen. However, the sales invoiced in these runs were not known in real time because sales were recorded using a manual system. The management had to wait for all the sales invoiced on paper to be entered manually into the sales system.

To shorten these times, simplify administrative work and get ready to support the company's growth, Megal decided to develop a mobile invoice system, and they chose GeneXus and the .NET Mobile Generator for this development.

"It's a very simple mobile Invoicing and Collection System, but it is great help for the sales force working the gas delivery trucks. With this system manual invoicing is eliminated and the company's sales figures are available in real time", explained Gregorio Jodus who was in charge of the development.

Now when the salesperson goes into the street they download to their Pocket PC the list of clients to be visited, the products and their prices, from the company's management system. At the end of the work day they download the day's invoicing into the central base and the cash closing is generated.

The invoices entered in the Pocket PC are also printed. The Pocket PC gets connected to the printer by infrared and then an official invoice is printed in a roll printer, commented Jodus.

"The use of this mobile system has reduced times significantly. Obtaining sales figures is now just a matter of pressing a button, and there is no need to wait for two or three days to know the company sales", pointed Fernando Gonzalez, Megal's sales manager. Clerical mistakes have also been eliminated and administrative work has been simplified. We can have sales information in real time, pointed Megal's manager.


Implementing company:



More Efficiency with GeneXus Mobile System
GeneXus releases its next version