
Mobile Internet with GeneXus

The first GeneXus developments for the mobile Internet are already in production. Paullier on line added a service of stock-exchange alerts, developed with GeneXus generator for WAP, which will be included in the next product's version.

Paullieronline (, the online broker that operates with the three American stock exchanges at real time, incorporated the WAP technology (Wireless Application Protocol) in order to allow their clients the query of the stock exchange quotations at real time, as well as the access to its portfolio from your cellular phone.

Ericsson chose GeneXus, with its development performed in Paullieronline, to introduce the new communication technologies of data's application from a local perspective in Uruguay, the commercial manager of Ericsson Uruguay, Juan Pose, explained. These seminars are a part of Ericsson's worldwide campaign to promote these technologies, he outlined.

The Short Messages System (SMS) and the WAP technology are the first and second step towards Mobile Internet that will explode with all its power with the third generation of cellular telephony.

Ericsson's campaign announces that Mobile Internet is not only getting rid of cables, but a life style. Unlike fix Internet, in this new life style you are always online, you know the location of the people online, it is more personal and safer than fix Internet, Ericsson describes.

The personalization allows offering services such as the visualization of a person's investments on his/her cellular phone, as Paullieronline offers.

Regarding the development that this achievement allowed, Alejandro Panizza, from ARTech's development team explained that 'it consists of adapting GeneXus generator for generating Wireless Markup Language (WML), WAP technology's language, instead of generating HTML language'. This generator will be included in the next GeneXus version, Panizza announced.

Regarding the security scheme used, Panizza said that it is similar to the one that is used on the Internet. In general, the main difference when programming with the WML generator is determined by the terminal's screen, he explained. 'The programming philosophy is different because we are dealing with a device that is fundamentally for querying, he said. Panizza informed that Paullieronline would soon allow buying and selling shares from a mobile terminal apart from querying.

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