
New GeneXus Distributor in Brazil: Procwork

Procwork Tecnología, a company that has been operating in the Brazilian market for over 14 years, has joined ARTech in its effort to boost the growth of GeneXus in Brazil

Procwork Tecnología presented its GeneXus distribution agreement with ARTech at a work breakfast held last May 14 in Procwork's headquarters in Sao Paulo. 
Carlos Cuevas, Procwork's CEO, opened the meeting by presenting the company and informing the participants about the agreement with ARTech. "Procwork relies on GeneXus because we think it is a stable, functional, and state-of-the-art product," assured Mr. Cuevas. 

Breogán Gonda, ARTech's President, said that he is confident in the success of these joint efforts to promote GeneXus in the Brazilian market. In addition, he stressed that he was very enthusiastic about Procwork's contribution to this effort. He also reminded participants that earlier this year, ARTech had opened ARTech do Brasil, with headquarters in Sao Paulo, in order to support its distributing partners and provide technical support services to all the GeneXus clients in Brazil.

Ricardo Recchi, Technology Director, presented some aspects of Procwork's strategy for the growth of GeneXus in Brazil, which includes staff training, events, conferences, and other actions at institutional level. Mr. Recchi announced that Procwork will soon have 20 new technicians trained in GeneXus, who will be available and ready to fulfill market needs. These technicians will be added on to the 15 professionals with whom the company is currently working. 

Moreover, Procwork's Business Manager, Ubirajara Padilha, announced that Procwork has been trying to work out agreements with universities and associations. He also announced the promotion of the GeneXus Users Group (GUG) of Brazil, which will consist of a monthly event held at Procwork's headquarters with people and companies related to ARTech's products (GeneXus, GXPortal, GXplorer, GXQuery, GXFlow).
Luis Manoel Ferreira, Coinbra's CIO, and José Feliciano Ferreira shared the complexity of the project developed with GeneXus at Coinbra in the last 12 years. They witnessed the ability of Procwork to coordinate projects as large as theirs. 

Air Products, Bacardi Martini, Coinbra, Honda Serviços, Metalúrgica Prada, Nestlé Brasil, Nexxy Capital, Prodesp, São Paulo Transporte and the Brazilian Regional Work Court were some of the companies and institutions participating in the announcement of the partnership between ARTech and Procwork.

Procwork's Profile
First Brazil GeneXus Meeting