
New GeneXus version

GeneXus 7.5 recognized for its great power in the development of Internet applications. Incorporation of specific features for the development environment, and availability of the C# generator are some of the new contributions made by GeneXus 7.5.

Three of the new GeneXus features reflecting the power of this version for the development of Web applications are: transaction support in the WEB, use of components, and XML and SOAP support. Transaction execution from a browser enables automatic data entry in Web applications. Thanks to the new Web Component object, it is now possible to reuse components that are repeated in the application, thus reducing developing and maintenance costs. These Web Components can be dynamic, which means that they can be loaded at execution time. This makes programming easier, and gives final users a chance to customize their visualization of the Web site, by selecting the components they wish to see, in the order in which they prefer to have them visualized, etc.
Besides, the XML and SOAP support open a wide range of possibilities for the development of applications, allowing easy application interconnection and powering implemented solutions (Web Services). The existence of two strong standards, such as XML and SOAP, for communication between applications, together with easy programming and intelligence provided by GeneXus, makes application connection possible in a quick and simple fashion, thus offering much more complete solutions to clients.
Apart from the already-mentioned upgrades, there are others based on the experience accumulated by the use of GeneXus version 7.0 for the development of Internet applications. As far as the development environment is concerned, the new type of data offered by this version (objects for handling Excel, Outlook, Word, messages, http, etc) introduces object-oriented programming in GeneXus. This makes the developers work more intuitive, and simple, providing higher versatility not only in terms of programming, but also in terms of final results.
Likewise, the inclusion of XML in the development environment makes browsing through knowledge in a knowledge base easier and more user-friendly.
Development of large and complex corporate applications is made easier by the incorporation of the multiple-connection support to different databases and the elimination of some limitations in terms of quantity of attributes per knowledge base, length of object names, etc.
The new C# generator native language for the new Microsoft .NET platform with which GeneXus clients will once again have access to state-of-the-art technology, will be also released together with this version.
GeneXus Query, the new ARTech product, is also included in GeneXus 7.5. The integration between the GeneXus Query tool and GeneXus incorporates dynamic queries to application development in order to substitute a great deal of reports. Using GeneXus Query, it is possible to carry out dynamic queries to the database, having the accumulated knowledge as a basis. This turns GeneXus Query into an easy-to-use, unique tool, specially taking into consideration its intelligence in guiding users through the queries that they wish to make (all the knowledge is contained in the knowledge base). ( )
After going through a beta test process, with a very active and committed beta-tester community, and after starting with some special projects - such as the Early Adopter Program of the C# generator - we have had a chance to put the features and quality of GeneXus version 7.5 to the test. We are very proud of the results and we are grateful to all those who, in one way or another, have contributed to the development of this version.

For more information:
Betatesters can already download GeneXus version 7.5 at:,5,36,+++++++639

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