
New services in Montevideo Comm

Montevideo Comm's new portal was developed with beta 2 of our Solís version. It is a step towards the creation of a portal generator for those businesses that want vertical portals. And they aim to do it in C#.

The new design of Montevideo Comm’s website went into production last  April 19th. There has been an increase in the number of pages viewed per user, as well as in the number of visits, reported Marisa Casamayor, business partner and the person responsible for the portal’s development using GeneXus.
Casamayor and Cecilia Poittevin, developers of the Montevideo Comm site, first came across
GeneXus in its Ceibo version. Their experience in design led them to demand more design features and to try out the Solís beta 2 version and finally to take the result into production. "The Solís version upgrades were important for us, in particular the WebComponents. "
Thanks to the WebComponents –which were used in the top, side and bottom bars of the pages- "it is possible to modify and make changes without worrying about the design ", she explained. "Changing now means re-compiling", she added.
The reason for using dynamic pages is to offer the users of the Uruguayan portal as many services as possible. The first change had to do with the site’s personalization and the different options for registered users –like sending messages to mobiles phones having an address book, or receiving information about Uruguayan soccer, horoscopes and weather reports via mail or mobile phones- among others.
In addition to the use of the WebComponents, the applications in the “Mi Montevideo” area are generated with Solís beta 2 version. According to Casamayor, the objective is to migrate the whole site to
Montevideo Comm ( is an Uruguayan company that offers Internet and Intranet solutions and services to businesses and support for GeneXus applications (hosting). Currently, they are promoting the Development Department of GeneXus Applications for the Web. We are working on three Web projects with local companies that have GeneXus as the development tool, confirmed Javier Serra, Director of Montevideo Comm.
In addition to their experience designing Web sites and contents, Montevideo Comm now offers programming experience offering solutions to businesses that need to design vertical portals. The first step was to incorporate its dynamic nature to the design of sites, which is already under production in their own Web portal.
The objective is the generation of a generic portal, a generator of portals, to offer a package solution for businesses, explained Serra. And we plan to make this sub-product in the C# language, he added.

Hosting services for sites developed in GeneXus.