
New year, new life for GXOpen

The new GXOpen is the first development in production that uses MySQL as DBMS, a new feature of GeneXus Yi. Besides, the site offers four RSS channels and more customization options for users

The site was developed with GeneXus Yi beta 2 version, using the Java generator, SuSE Linux 9, and MySQL as DBMS. MySQL joins the DBMSs supported by GeneXus after Yi version, which is at the betatest process stage.
The new site has not just changed the look & feel but it has also incorporated more services and possibilities for its users such as the availability of an RSS channel to find out about the list of new projects published in the site, as well as to know when these projects are modified.

In order to improve the usability and customization possibilities of GXOpen, it now has a Themes server which enables users to change the look & feel in their site view. Along the same line of providing users with more flexibility, in this new offer they can choose whether they want to appear in the ranking of most active users that is published in the site homepage.

Besides, the new GXOpen removed the size limit for projects that are uploaded to the site. Now there is no size limit.
GXOpen has not stopped growing since it was launched in January 2001; it now has over 11 thousand members who have made almost 78 thousand downloads of the 325 currently published projects.

In GXOpen, users transform GeneXus business objects into projects that can be reused freely by other members of the community. The business objects are components of a knowledge base that enable anybody developing an application to have part of the programming already assembled.

GXOpen was born as an ARTech initiative and is now kept by users from the GeneXus community: the GXOpen Task Force, which we will introduce in the next edition of the GeneXus News.

A new look and more services for the GXOpen .NET version
GXOpen News
More than 54,000 Projects Downloaded from GXOpen
GeneXus Yi Beta 3 Was Released!
ARTech is Upping the Ante on GeneXus