News about the XVI GeneXus International Meeting

Access the online applications offered by ARTech to organize your meetings and agenda between September 18th and 20th.

The XVI GeneXus International Meeting, the main meeting of the GeneXus Community and one of the main Information Technologies events of Latin America will be held from September 18th to 20th, 2006 in Montevideo (Uruguay).

Access the event site where you can register, use the online applications offered by ARTech and also participate in the message board where visitors to the site leave their opinions before, during and after the XVI GeneXus International Meeting.

Registered users can start organizing their meetings and activities using the online applications offered by ARTech to the users registered for the XVI GeneXus International Meeting:

My Agenda
The online agenda enables you to organize your time and activities during the three days of the GeneXus International Meeting, so you can coordinate meetings with other attendees, reserve time for other commitments and, of course, select the conferences you will attend.

My Networking
This application enables people registered for the XVI GeneXus International Meeting to access speakers, ARTech staff and other attendees, who they can search and find easily according to their interests.

The personal profile you define in the system will also enable other attendees to identify you as a potential contact and locate you through the Networking system.

Please remember that just like it has happened every year, the privacy of each participant is safeguarded so that you can be located by other attendees and exchange messages with the users of the networking system without the need to share your contact information.

Register for the XVI GeneXus International Meeting and access My Agenda and My Networking:

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