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Productivity tools: XManager and K2B Tools were presented in Rosario (Argentina)

The event was organized by Legado IT, new GeneXus Gold Solution Partner.
A few days ago, the Argentinean IT firm Legado IT presented XManager, its software tools suite oriented at HR productivity in companies.

It was also an opportunity for Legado IT to announce its new condition of GeneXus Gold Solution Partner, in addition to its acknowledgement as K2B Tools certified agent for K2B.

Some of the guests present at the event were representatives from leading firms in Rosario and the region, who viewed a demo of the functioning of two tools - Job Manager and Time Manager – developed with GeneXus X Evolution 1 and K2B Tools.

Job Manager is the software tool that allows for recording requirements made by one individual to another within the hierarchical scheme of the organization. The system keeps control and traceability to provide managers with a perspective of the situation in real time.

Time Manager enables recording the time that each individual uses in carrying out his/her tasks. This shows the amount of time that each person has spent on a specific task, a project or a particular client.

Both tools include the features of cutting-edge developments: R.I.A. (Rich Internet Applications), SaaS (Software as a Service) and SOA (Service Oriented Applications).

Andrés Morales, CEO at Legado IT stated that these tools come “to rescue the hero”, the individual within a company who has a great workload and many responsibilities but, at the time of showing the lengthy and complex requirements that he/she took care of, he/she does not have the necessary documents and records.

Legado IT also announced that the suite will evolve into new modules like Access Manager to control system access, Inventory Manager for controlling fixed assets and automatic management of hardware and software resources, and Mail Manager, for automatically managing corporate files through electronic mail.

Legado IT encourages companies to use Time Manager free of charge, in its lite version, by registering at , and to obtain additional information from  

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