
Program of the 3rd GeneXus Brazil Meeting

GeneXus clients in Brazil are invited to speak and they will share their experience at the 3rd GeneXus Meeting in Brazil, on November 17 at "Blue Tree Towers Morumbi" Hotel in Sao Paulo

Mr. Breogan Gonda, President of ARTech, will be in charge of opening the meeting. Sergio Schaaf, Operations Manager of ARTech do Brasil will give the first conference in the morning where he will present the new GeneXus 9.0 version. Then, ARTech's Operations Manager, Gustavo Carriquiry, will show the advantages of using GeneXus Patterns.

On Thursday morning, GeneXus clients in Brazil will present their testimonials. These conferences will be given by Carlos Alexandre Luchini, from Heurys Tecnología; Mario Arias Martinez, from CHB Informática; and Décio Marcellino from Sistemas Empresariais.

The Keynote of Nicolas Jodal, ARTech's Vice President will close the morning conferences.

Back from lunch, Gerardo Pizarro, International Business Developer Manager of ARTech, will explain why our clients can concentrate on their business and let GeneXus be in charge of the rest.

And during the afternoon, GeneXus Brazil clients will continue making presentations: Cristovam Soler, from Sagra Produtos Farmacéuticos will give a conference about ROI with Business Intelligence. Following, Rogerio Aparecido De Miguel, will share Coplana's experience in Integration with GXportal.

Douglas Hamilton de Oliveira, from Fatec Jundiaí will address the issue of training of GeneXus professionals for the Brazilian market.

ARTech's Vice President, Nicolás Jodal, will present his vision of GeneXus in the short and medium term. Meanwhile, ARTech's President, Breogan Gonda, will close the event with a conference about GeneXus, 15 years later.

Check out the program and register online!  

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