
Teyma uses GeneXus QUERY

The construction company has developed, together with Zen Sistemas, a logistics system in Java with GeneXus. Besides this, it has incorporated GeneXus QUERY for carrying out dynamic queries, required in order to check the company's performance.

Teyma is a construction company from a Spanish group called Abengoa, with operations in Uruguay since 1974. The company is currently working on 25 works projects in all the country. The national electricity company (UTE), the State water company (OSE), and the City Hall of Montevideo are some of its clients.
The company has its own warehouse for it's equipment and materials, which they manteain, repair and rent for all the different projects in progress, as each of the company's contracts is independent from the rest.
The logistics system in charge of this operation worked on DOS, in a local network located in Teyma's warehouse, and with Lotus Notes replicated in the premises of the different construction works. There are two or three PC's per project connected to a network.
The logistics system handles equipment inventory, maintenance, and among other functions it provides the data source for a follow up on the sale/cost equation for equipment and materials. Finally, Teyma carries out periodical and thorough analyses of logistics-related costs in order to keep an eye on the feasibility of the construction works as a whole.

Given the need to have an access system spread throughout for logistics management purposes, Teyma and Zen Systems developed a system with a centralized Oracle database with access to the company warehouse through an LMDS dedicated line. This system has been developed in Java with GeneXus.
The first version of the system was developed in two tiers, and it is currently being migrated into three tiers using GeneXus 7.5. Following this pattern, and in order to reduce costs, the company is also planning to incorporate into the system the logistics management for each of the works. "The new system powers management by allowing a centralized follow up on all the company's equipment", Diego Ferreira, from IT and communications at Teyma, assured.
He added that, "This system has sped up management, for instance in terms of monthly closings performed every fortnight. This process used to take three to four hours, whereas now, with the two-tier GeneXus system, it only takes 15 minutes".

Moreover, the company which was granted the National Quality Award in 2000, has also elaborated and generated a large number of indicators and indexes to perform quality control.
"We need to carry out quick queries for having access to these indicators. In terms of logistics we perform very thorough cost analyses", Mr. Ferreira explained. In order to obtain indicators, the company used to have a basic report that it used as a basis, and which was obtained from the DOS system. The data for this report was manually entered in an Excel worksheet where the necessary computations where made in order to obtain such indicators. Two months ago, Teyma incorporated GeneXus QUERY for performing these queries, and by doing so it became the first company with installations of the new ARTech's product.
Zen Sistemas' Director, Gerardo Navone, mentioned that thanks to GeneXus QUERY, a task for which used to take two people and two to three days to complete, is now performed by only executing the defined query in GeneXus QUERY. Teyma is currently using GeneXus QUERY to get information from 18 stored queries. Mr. Navone also mentioned that the company will start using it for obtaining data related to sales and cost associated to equipment.

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