With GeneXus, Soluciones Integrales para Empresas S.A. (SIE S.A.) creates its first intelligent home in the Province of Santa Fe

“Increased savings, security and comfort are some of the immediate benefits brought by an intelligent home” explains Darío Ruben, President of SIE and project developer.
Soluciones Integrales para Empresas S.A. (SIE S.A.), a consulting firm from Argentina dedicated to the development of computer systems and custom software for all kinds of enterprises, has developed its first "Intelligent Home" in the Province of Santa Fe, using the GeneXus tool for the associated software development tasks.

“At present, the costs of living in Argentina are increasingly growing and this occurs almost simultaneously with a rise in security issues. In this context, an intelligent home is a revolutionary solution. It not only allows for energy savings by remotely controlling the time when the electronic devices of a house are turned on and off, but also brings security enhancements almost immediately”, said Darío Ruben, President of SIE. “Think of a hot day, when you go out and leave the air conditioning running so that the house is "habitable" by the time you come back. With the remote air conditioning control, you can turn it on only an hour before returning home, thus achieving great energy savings, as well as the objective of entering a house that is adequately conditioned”, he stressed. “Now imagine that you're away from home for a prolonged period of time. With the remote control you can turn lights on and off from wherever you are, giving the impression, to any stranger, that people are inside the house” he concluded.

For SIE, the development of an intelligent home implied the work of one person for a period of 3 months. The software used in the house is accessible from a cell phone, tablet or PC and was developed with GeneXus, which brings reduced development times and costs as well as enhanced accessibility from multiple platforms. The hardware used is ARDUINO and RASPBERRY PI.

The final result offers the possibility to enter the developed site, create a username and password, and indicate the devices that will be connected to the remote control. The interface is highly user friendly and allows adding an icon or photograph to each one of the devices that will be managed remotely, for easy access. At the same time, it indicates which devices are turned on and which ones are turned off. Also, it makes it possible to generate combinations of devices being turned on and off with a single button.

The house is currently finished and will become operational this month.

About SIE

Soluciones Integrales para Empresas is a company that was created with a strong sense of professional service, devised by a multidisciplinary team that laid the foundation for integrated work. It strives to offer a suitable tool for every organization and has one flagship product: DOMINIO ERP WEB, an ERP software solution that can be adjusted to the particular needs of various companies, industries or the banking sector. At present it is distributed in SaaS mode or through use licenses.