#GX26, @GeneXus 2016 International Meeting Recap (By Gabriel Simonet)

This is my personal "GX26, GeneXus 2016 International Meeting Recap", a few partially un-official notes. 

#GX26: In Latin America, digital transformation is an opportunity for companies

Nearly 4,000 technology experts and enthusiasts gathered at #GX26 to learn about the latest trends in software development. In addition to the much-awaited release of GeneXus 15, the 26th Meeting was also the setting chosen to announce an agreement between GeneXus and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to support new digital projects in the region.

#GX26 Dream Digital: a dream come true!

The 26th GeneXus Meeting will take place next September 26 through 28 in Montevideo under the motto “Dream Digital!” This concept aims at finding motivation in the latest GeneXus solutions and experiencing a shared transformation to face an increasingly technological world.

#GX26 - We interviewed Gustavo Carriquiry regarding “Dream Digital”: Cognitive Services, IOT, Cloud, Big Data, and integration

“One of the answers that the upcoming Meeting should reveal is how we could focus on digital transformation using GeneXus 15.”

GeneXus 15 has been released!

Do you know the meaning of Automagically? Try GeneXus 15 and you'll find out! The much-awaited technology released by GeneXus at #GX26 allows us to enter the digital world in a fast, productive and secure manner.
