
ARTech at Developer Days in Central America

Last November21 and 27, ARTech participated in the Microsoft Developer Days in Costa Rica, and Guatemala. These meetings gathered more than 760 corporate developers in two of the most important cities in Central America.

Microsoft Central America ended the year celebrating the San José de Costa Rica and Guatemala Developer Days 2001. Near 15 business allies participated in the event, including the first .NET Intelligence Tool Provider, ARTech.

"ARTech shined with its technology based on its intelligence product: .NET GeneXus. A group of IT Managers had the chance to get to know about this development paradigm in which "& everything starts from the description of a business in a repository.", said Jimmy Figueroa, Developer Initiative Director at Microsoft Central America.

After making a great introduction of
ARTech, Figueroa invited Gerardo Pizarro, ARTech's channels manager, to present the company, the GeneXus tool, and the new C# generator for the .NET platform to the developers attending the event.

"I was very excited about
ARTech's participation in Microsoft's Developer Days in Central America. First of all, it was an honor to have been invited. Second, because of the results that we have been getting. We had the chance to introduce GeneXus to an important group of IT managers that we had invited to participate in the Early Adopter Program in Central America. As a result, we found 10 companies willing to change their current way of working by betting on knowledge", said Pizarro. "ARTech's presence at Developer Days enhanced the event in a special way. For many, this has been the most important developers forum of the year", Pizarro added.

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