
CooperJohnson Website with GeneXus

CooperJohnson, the credit cooperative serving Johnson&Johnson employees in Brazil, has put on Internet the information formerly offered to members only personally or on the phone.

The credit cooperative first developed a site using GeneXus and published institutional information. They then proceeded to make available for members a series of services like online queries. The web site rapidly became popular by word of mouth and members started to demand the inclusion of more services on Internet.

Once we started offering query and withdrawal services on Internet, the number of personal services and phone calls dramatically dropped, said Marcos Aurélio Godoy of CooperJohnson.

The site was developed using GeneXus C/SQL generator and has currently almost 4,000 users that make queries and transactions. Godoy highlighted the portability of GeneXus, which allows to generate an application to access a SQL or Oracle database from a single knowledge base, and allows switching the technology in which the site is generated.

In addition to institutional information, the site offers a range of services to members of the cooperative -who represent most of the Web users- employees, directors and suppliers.

Members have the option of querying capital balances, request loans on line, modify personal data, use a credit limit loan simulator, or access data on agreements and classified ads, among other features. They will soon include the possibility of paying loans on line, by debiting the member's current account.

The same features are available for employees, who can also access project management for fees execution and can publish news, documents and agreements in the site.

Directors access financial statements and project management through the Web, and suppliers access project management and surveys.

Access to the site is managed by sessions and using a digital certificate. Each operation in the Web site is recorded in a log. For years the only possibility for members was to access information by contacting the cooperative directly. They can now make queries through the intranet or Internet by means of a user name and password.

Academic Agreement in Brazil
III GeneXus Brazil Meeting
GeneXus releases its next version