cp 2.0

CP 2.0: PMS - Project Management System

A managing system for software development projects by Luciana Biochi Barone, Thalyta Potenza, Vinicius Pacheco and Fabricio de los Santos.

        :: Luciana Biochi ::                       :: Thalyta Potenza ::                ::Fabricio de los Santos::                      ::Vinicius Pacheco ::

What is PMS (Project Management System) about?

As the acronym reveals it, the objective is a Management System for Software Development Projects.
The system includes records of all projects developed, clients, system users, etc. The system was first devised, like any project, upon a list of tasks consolidated on a Project Analytic Structure.

The task concept, similar to Microsoft Project, allows for the assignment of a priority, resource, time, cost. As a user advances within the task assigned, the history of the task is recorded towards an online Control Panel of times, project deviations, resource administration and the possibility of having a more accurate estimation of the deliverables in each project.

There is also the possibility of observing the objective of work done, the type of tasks to which we are assigning our resources: either for tasks that generate economic resources for the company or for solving bugs most of the time, in which case it would be helpful in making decisions for improving our processes. In sum, we try to apply our knowledge of ourselves as we avoid the popular saying that "the shoemaker’s children go barefoot".

How did the idea of creating it come up?

Quality means less re-work, and we believe that when the quality of our work is enhanced, re-working on developments already released may be avoided. With this analysis tool we can have a view of where we are going wrong and what we must do to correct it. We have also developed some very good projects in Evolution 1, where we used new resources in GeneXus methodology, User controls, Extensions, etc. We think we have a high level of knowledge in the new GeneXus version because we were among the first to use the tool with systems in production.

What motivated you to participate in the second edition of Collaborative Projects 2.0?

We had started using the trial tool of K2B patterns, so we considered it a good opportunity to learn the use of the tool by applying it to a system we already have control over. And in combination with GeneXus Server, we have the ideal combination for others with the same needs as ours to participate in our project, since it is a tool that every software house ends up developing internally.

What are the challenges involved in your project?

We want to use several of the User Controls that are available in the Community. And we would also like to have the cooperation of all those interested, to even develop some for having the same views of, for instance, Microsoft Project. It would be great for us to develop some kind of related User Control.

What are your expectations in relation to CP 2.0?

Apart from the final product that may result from this project, the possibility of team work with remote team members, the use of many functionalities of Evolution 1, K2B Pattern, and the possibility of acquiring and sharing knowledge with the GeneXus Community, we look forward to winning the first prize.


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