
CRM Web System with release candidate of GeneXus 7.5

Pulsar Informática migrated its system CRM -Help Desk System- to the Web using version release candidate (GeneXus Solís RC2) of the next GeneXus version, which will be released at the end of this month.

Pulsar Informática ( provides IT services in the Brazilian market. The company's headquarters are located in San Pablo, and it has branches in Rio de Janeiro, and Minas Gerais. It was founded in 1982, and it has had the ISO 9002 certification since 1997. It has specialized in attention to large clients who require customized, competent, and high-quality solutions at low costs. Together with the ISO 9002 certification, Pulsar developed a new set of applications focused on the client and the rationalization of activity-related costs in order to cope with new market demands.

"GeneXus was chosen for this development. It appeared to be a reliable system and have characteristics that lead to high productivity and easy systems maintenance", reported Celso Luiz Simões, Technology Director at Pulsar.

GeneXus allowed Pulsar to develop the Help Desk System (HDS) software customer service-for its IT-user clients. Last year, the whole system was converted in order to work through the Internet, and it was commercialized independently from the help desk service that Pulsar offers to its clients.

Nowadays, the whole system with more than 450 GeneXus objects has been adapted to the Web by using the new version Solís RC2.

"From the search engine, the final client ( IT user who needs support ) will be able to register and follow up the execution of requests. Through the Internet, technicians involved in the process will have access from any place, thus generating a kind of dynamism that was never achieved in the client-server application", said Paulo Medina from Links Engenharia Ltda, a software house, providing services to Pulsar, that has used GeneXus for the last three years ( Systems developed with GeneXus at Pulsar, embrace not only human resources management (including recruitment, candidate selection, and the whole management of professionals in terms of performance and training), but also operations management (management of contracts and result centers), quality management (main activities related to the ISO 9000 quality systems), materials handling ( stock management, and the whole purchasing process), administration (including invoicing, accounts payable and receivable, banks, and cash flow), and customer service (a system receiving and managing service-related inquiries received by the customer service center at Pulsar).

"Many tasks from each of these systems will be available for all professionals at Pulsar through the Internet in the first quarter of 2002. Tasks will become more efficient, and time invested in input activities as well as other countless processes will be reduced", said Celso Luiz Simões.

He also announced that next March, Pulsar will release new software for IT asset management, which by means of an agent installed in the stations will allow complete knowledge and management of IT resources.

ARTech's technical area already has Web Components
GeneXus 7.5 will be released at the end of the month
About GeneXus 7.5: Web transactions
"We would like to grow 30% in 2002"
About GeneXus 7.5: Web components
About GeneXus 7.5: SOAP Protocol
New GeneXus version
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GeneXus 7.5 in Chinese
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