
DebuGX, the First Debug Tool on GeneXus Code

DebuGX is a debug tool installed locally as a plug-in in the Development Environment to trace and debug applications at runtime, on GeneXus source code.

HST, GeneXus distributor in Argentina, developed DebuGX and launched it at the XIV GeneXus International Meeting. The tool facilitates the correction of programming errors, providing all the features of a conventional debugger and a set of additional features resulting from Beta Tester requests and suggestions: remote debug, off-line debug, change of the execution path, and others.

"We believe there are three reasons to develop a Debugger for GeneXus," pointed out Matías Labombarda from HST: "The new architectures and technologies that make it increasingly difficult to find programming errors without a Debug tool, the demand from the community to have this functionality in GeneXus, and the recurrent question from our prospects in the tool demos about how to debug with GeneXus," he said.

"We spent three months in Research and Development at HST, and when we found a solution, we worked another five months to achieve the product that is already available online. We now have six upgrades and more than 600 builds," added Guillermo Pasquero from HST.

DebugGX can work with the code generators Visual Basic, Visual Fox Pro, C/SQL, .NET and JAVA (2 and 3 tiers, win-form and web-form, web-services).

"We are really happy about the reception that the product has had in the international community. From the end of the event until June 30, we had more than 200 test activations of the product in more than 15 countries," said Matías Labombarda.

Some DebuGX features:

  • Monitoring of the execution, step by step.
  • Pause / forward / rewind ... execution steps.
  • Visualize the values of variables and attributes, line by line, on GeneXus code.
  • Follow-up of Calls / udf / udp.
  • User-friendly graphic environment, tooltips with values on the code.
  • Remote debug.
  • Off-line debug.  


GeneXus 8.0 Presentation in Salta
HST Had its GeneXus Support Service Certified
DebuGX Version 2 Betatest for the GeneXus Community