
GCI 7.0 will look for external markets.

GCI 7.0 is a horizontal solution developed with GeneXus by INSIS that solves all the enterprises' information needs. The system integrates INSIS traditional products and incorporates an Internet module, among other news.

INSIS gathered 200 business clients and partners to introduce them with GCI’s version 7.0 last Thursday 29th March at the Radisson Victoria Plaza in Montevideo.
Guzmán Etchebehere, the enterprise’s manager, explained that the new GCI version implies a change in the product’s strategic focus because GCI turns into a Management Integrated System, since the complete integration of both INSIS historic products
: the traditional Accounting Financial GCI, and the commercial management modules.  Besides, we incorporated Internet and Business Intelligence modules.
Inés Taramasco, INSIS Development department manager, outlined that the integration process implied teamwork with ARTech’s support staff. ‘The products’ integration was performed with GeneXus 7.0. We introduced changes and new features that GeneXus Visual Fox Pro generator incorporates, that up to the moment he had not developed’, Taramasco explained.
The new version’s changes are grouped in four large chapters: its environment is completely visual, the functional improvements, the operative improvements and the new available tools.
Among the last ones mentioned, Taramasco specially mentioned GCI’s Internet module, that takes information from the database to publish it in the Web, allowing each enterprise’s clients and suppliers to consult information regarding their Internet accounts.
The module for the Internet enables the online query of the bank statements, movements, details of the pending movements and expiring dates’ analysis.

Among the new features we incorporated graphics, the possibility of querying Excel spreadsheets and visualizing the printings before sending them to the paper and they are going to include mail functions at short term, Taramasco informed.
The new GCI modules, that are a part of the integrated system include sales’ management, sales’ budget, stock management, purchases, importations and biddings.
Regarding INSIS commercial development, Etchebehere said that the intention was that the foreign market turns into the largest source of entries in a two or three-year term.  ‘It is clear that we have more potential clients outside the country, and that we have to point at the foreign market in order to finance our largest investment, which is the one that we perform in research and development’, he said. ‘In order to elaborate a exportation strategy that allows a significant business flow with foreign clients, we are working inside NEX program, New Empretec Exporters’ , Etchebehere informed..
INSIS also wants to develop and get deep into alliances.
Regarding the product’s development plans Etchebehere announced functional improvements, such as a greater integration with office and mail, the definition of a transactional environment of the system, the integration of most of the client’s workflow or its totality to the system and the personalized configuration of each user’s working space according to his function.
At the same time, the product is linked to the systematic incorporation of new technologies and he mentioned Java, XML and CORBA, among others.

New GCI version
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