GeneXus at a glance with Nicolás Jodal

‘We consider XML to be the most important thing, once the Ceibo version has closed’, said Jodal at the V Technical Meeting of ARTech Distributors, Sub-distributors and Solution Partners that took place 0n April 3rd to Wednesday April 12th, in Montevideo.

How does XML record a GeneXus application?
There are two ways to achieve this: from either dynamic queries or
GeneXus programs.

How does a dynamic query work?
Queries are performed on a server that answers with the specified data in XML. The queries can be totally dynamic, meaning that the final user gets connected to the database and performs a query, or catalogued queries, which the user can then execute to be defined.

In either scenario, it is not necessary to utilize the GX programming that transpires behind the scenes. Having a GX knowledge base or a GX metadata is enough, And, currently we area working on future developments in this area.

Which server do the dynamic queries run on?
As you have to get connected to a GX knowledge base or metadata, it has to be in a Windows platform, so the dynamic XML server also has to run in Windows (NT 2000 or another).

Do the catalogued queries have to run on a Windows platform, too?
We are currently researching the possibility of accessing the executer of the catalogued query that is not in a Windows server. We are focused on the separation of these two components.

How can we record an XML file inside a GeneXus program?
There are two possible roads to take today we still have not closed our testing to a definitive one direction answer.  One option is to see the report as something that shows data and ask the GX program to show the data in XML format, take the print blocks and, instead of printing them, change them to an XML format. This is possible because GX has the knowledge of the hierarchical structure.

The second option is to maintain the stored Report Wizard’s structure and have everything defined from the structure (it would be like an XML files’ generator).

How do I receive XML in a GeneXus program?
Similar to a transaction’s entrance; like turning the transactions into Batch. This concept is the attractive because we re-take advantage of all the logic in the transactions. But if you only want to read it, without entering the database, (for example: to see it in a Web Panel), then there should be a way of reading XML in the reports or in the Web Panels themselves. There, we have some options. We could say: XML is a dataview of XML type and we have the option of using what is familiar, or we could go through and say: this is an XML file, read it and trigger an event every time that a certain thing happens (for example: when you have finished reading an XML level).

And GXplorer?
Regarding Gxplorer, we are working on queries on the operational database.  Although at the present time, GXplorer runs under Excel, we also want it to run under a navigator when writing an address (Gxplorer on the Internet).


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