
GeneXus Mobile Technology for Sales Systems

Bebidas del Paraguay S.A, a company devoted to the production, sales and distribution of soft drinks and natural fruit juices, has implemented a mobile sales system developed with the GeneXus .Net Mobile generator.

Searching for improved efficiency in order taking as well as in their collection records, Bebidas del Paraguay has developed a Mobile Sales System using GeneXus .Net Mobile.

With this system the company creates a client route to be visited with a specific frequency and call sequence. Sales reps take orders based on price policies, promotions, discounts and credit policies configured for each client. At the end of the day, each sales rep connects to the main data base via wireless and synchronizes data to generate invoices and delivery schedules.

The implementation of the Mobile Sales System enables shorter times in order taking which so far had been performed manually. The pre-sale staff save time for other activities and also have better information available about the client at the time of the sale, which helps them offer their clients better deals.

The challenge of developing with the latest technology in a new and changing platform was faced with the help of GeneXus, which simplified development substantially, pointed Hugo Alberto Correa, systems manager of Bebidas del Paraguay S.A.

The solution was created with the GeneXus .Net Mobile generator and it uses SQL Server Ce. Wireless communication of the Pocket PCs uses Windows 2003 Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows 2000 Server as a server, and SQL 7 as Data Base Server.

Additionally, mistakes made with manual load of pre-sale data are avoided, preventing unfulfilled orders. In this way, mistakes are kept to a minimum and there is no need for load operators work.


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