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How to :: GXportal 5.0

How to obtain the details of users logged in to a site from my application + sample application developed with GeneXus X Evolution 1
When working with websites that use our own applications, we often need to know the identity of the users navigating our website and, based on that information, decide what will be displayed by the application in each case.

To this end, an External Application GXportlet is needed. In this GXportlet we need to configure the following properties: Origin to indicate the application URL and Add security parameter.

In addition, the application must have these settings:

- It must receive a variable of Character (254) type in a parameter. This variable will allow you to obtain the details of the user logged in to the site.
- It must make a SOAP invocation to the external web service pgxpws001 that is distributed with GXportal's frontend programs. This web service validates the user and returns the session status and user’s details.

For more information and a sample application developed with GeneXus X Evolution 1, click here.

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