
Some important reasons for change

Gonda stated that in the future, computers large servers, PCs or related-mechanisms - will use applications operating on transportable execution platforms. In this context, software will continue to be the essential component.

Nowadays, there are great forces pushing for change, explained ARTech's President at the XII GeneXus International Meeting. One of these forces is the challenge posed by the power of computers now that Moore's Law is coming to an end since physical limitations are getting closer. With the end of Moore's Law at the door, the use of imagination will take over the use of force, which will no longer be available.

Besides, we have to be more efficient in the way we use the power of computers existing nowadays, stated Gonda.
Another force pushing for change has to do with connectivity. There is and there will be greater wavelength at a lower price all around the world, even in
, he added. Besides, new schemes start to pop up such as Peer to Peer (P2P). This will leave behind the client-server scheme allowing all clients to act as servers and vice versa. " I think that an important number of future applications will be raised on this architecture", assured Gonda.
The proliferation of new machines using handheld computers, cellular phones, intelligent ,utilities, etc will change the scenario in the next two years.
On the other hand, Gonda announced that there is a shift from the John Von Neumann paradigm - upon which computer science has been built - to genuine multi-server architectures.

Although multi-programming and multi-processing have slightly drifted away from this paradigm, whose proposal is to execute one task at a time  the true multi-server architectures will exist thanks to the messages that connect computers which are not synchronized, announced Gonda. XML, with less than two years of existence, has become the standard for managing self-contained and self-described messages. Gonda said that it provides higher levels of complementation and greater freedom.
Another aspect boosting change in the computer world has to do with operating costs in computer science. Configuration, installation, updating, and version-change costs in large-scale applications pose a problem whose solution -Java or Microsoft.NET - will have an impact in months to come.
We can also perceive changes in terms of architecture and operating systems. Gonda claimed that although the burgeoning client-server architecture still prevailed in the world, the multi-server architecture would soon take over. As far as operating systems are concerned, Gonda predicted that in the year 2003, they would become commodities. According to ARTech's President, in two years time, people will not think about operating systems for developing an application, rather, people will think about transportable execution platforms (Java, NET, or other).

This new context provides a new opportunity for the software industry. Gonda encouraged people to meet success in the midst of this opportunity by following an excellence and originality-oriented approach.

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