
ABOVE Certification for GeneXus 9.0 and GXportal

The ABOVE Tested certification of Oracle and Intel for applications generated with GeneXus 9.0 and for GXportal tool was successfully completed at the GRID LAB of Montevideo.

The program ABOVE, (Accelerated Business Offering with Value-added Enhancements) is a joint undertaking of Oracle and Intel proposing that Oracle ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) in Latin America promote the adoption of Oracle Grid technologies, with Intel architecture based servers.

Oracle and Intel seek to give support to certified ISVs, awarding them a certification of attendance to the ABOVE Tested program, for tested solutions.

"The execution of a GXportal application generated with GeneXus 9.0 was successfully validated on the Cluster of Application server, applications high availability and load balancing features were tested against the Database Cluster", commented Jorge Taboada, Product Technology Services (PTS) for the Southern Region of Latin America - Oracle Corporation.

The quick, wide-scale implementation of Oracle databank grid features in Intel architecture based servers enables ISVs to offer scalable, failure tolerant, low cost solutions. This offer considerably increases the range of potential customers with higher technological and business demands.

The certification was performed in the GRID LAB environment, the Center of Demos and Testing of grid technologies introduced by Oracle in its 10g Database with HP Servers of the Integrity line (with 64 bit Intel Itanium processors) and HP storage systems.

GRID LAB was introduced in the framework of the 15th International GeneXus Meeting in Montevideo, and it is an initiative of ARTech, HP, Oracle, and Tilsor, supported by Zonamerica. The lab is available for the use of business partners and customers and offers the possibility of conducting applications tests, migrations and certifications on a cutting-edge platform.



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