
ARTech do Brasil's is established

ARTech set up GeneXus Inc., in Chicago in 1994; ARTech de México in February of last year, and it has started the year 2003 with the opening of ARTech do Brasil in San Pablo.

 ARTech do Brasil will provide technical support services to all of GeneXus clients in Brazil, thus centralizing a task that up until now, has been performed by  GeneXus distributors in that country.
This service will be provided by a team of professionals from ARTech, led by Gustavo Carriquiry, ARTech's International Customers' Relations Manager.
GeneXus clients will be able to turn to their distributors in order to receive information about the specific details involved in the transition to the new support scheme that will be adopted gradually. 
Together with the launching of this service in Brazil, ARTech do Brasil introduces for the first time production of the SAC Issue Tracking, a new module from the Customer Service System used for typing queries using the Web, and which keeps a record of all the queries directed to support, through the Web, by phone or e-mail. The SAC Issue Tracking is used to follow the status of queries, thanks to the incorporation of the Workflow technology that is used for carrying out a follow-up of the whole query process as well as of the persons involved in it.
Moreover, ARTech do Brasil's technical site ( ) offers a forum for clients, which was specifically created for the GeneXus community in Brazil, and provides access to other community forums around the world.  In this site you may also obtain documents, upgrades, and a wide range of information offered by ARTech do Brasil to its clients.


ARTech do Brasil's premises are located on Rua Samuel Morse 120 Conj. 141, San Pablo. Telephone: (5511) 5502 6722
For more information:
ARTech do Brasil's site:
(Site in Spanish and Portuguese)

Technical site:
Site in Portuguese

A very good 2003 for all of you!
1st GeneXus Meeting in Brazil
ARTech Strengthens its Presence in Mexico and Brazil
GeneXus Worldwide Support Services