
ARTech launched a new Web Service

The GeneXus news, published every fortnight, are currently offered as a free Web service by ARTech. This service is a sample of the many functionalities and uses of Web Services.

As a content provider, ARTech is currently offering Internet access to the news published on line at ARTech´s Web, so that companies can automatically publish them in their own Websites. Concepto, the first user of this service, has incorporated the news to the last edition of Petroglifo, their monthly publication (

Once the company has access to the service, it receives the information as XML, which means that it can be published in any format.

José Preciozzi,
ARTech´s Web development manager, reported that the protocol used for calling this services is SOAP. This means that even though these services can be easily accessed with GeneXus, they can also be accessed by anyone programming with the corresponding SOAP protocol, even if GeneXus is not used.

By using this service it is possible to get news between two given dates, a specific edition or the last one published, get the last pieces of news on a given subject or from a given section and solution. We welcome you to use these services by contacting Javier Preciozzi .

In the future,
ARTech will not only be a content provider, but also a content consumer, which means that news from other sites in the Internet will be published in ARTech´s Web.

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