| | | Change Defender, defending changes |
| 07October/2008 |
The new feature of GeneXus X allows the protection of changes made to a product by different customers when modified for a new version. |
The new Change Defender functionality included in Evolution 1 of GeneXus X allows for integrated and reliable change propagation. By including the Change Defender feature, GeneXus takes a step forward for the benefit of software houses because it facilitates merging different versions of KBs with a common origin. Thus, in a situation of changes from different developers on a same version, adjustments may be automatically integrated, so you don’t lose any modification and can benefit from the contribution between developer and customer.
In the context of updating to a new software version, the problem arises when a customer who has customized the original application doesn’t want to lose customizations. Change Defender is an application that responds to the needs inherent in customization of new versions managed both by the software house and by its customers and combines them in a feedback dynamic.
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