
Changes in GXportal 4.2 Security Layout

The new security layout offers a common way to manage users and roles for all ARTech products and applications integrated through GXportal

This version solves the user "authentication" enabling those using GXportal for application integration to concentrate on developing their features, trusting to GXportal the management of application access and rights.

The security concept applied to solve users and roles management is the Repository. A repository is a set of users, roles and security policies whose properties have to be configured to define the desired portal security.

Therefore, in a GXportal installation there can be a single set of users (a repository), which can be used by several portals within the same installation. This way, the same user could be content author in a portal and forum moderator in another one.

The portal list of users is unique, and the portal manager can assign roles to the users (both backend and frontend roles). Backend roles can be assigned provided the corresponding licenses are held.

Each repository has a list of roles, a role will enable it to define the function of one or more users, for example users can be grouped when they fulfill a certain function (clients, sales personnel, suppliers, authors, editors, designers, etc.). Access and constraints to the various portal elements are defined over the roles (content entry, channels, pages, etc.)

Additionally, a repository has a list of security policies. A security policy allows defining the criteria related to passwords, user session and user session start. Every repository will have at least one defined policy, and it will be applied to all repository users.

If you want to customize the security policy of a user, you can define a specific policy and assign it to this user, and you can even assign a specific security policy to a role.

The precedence order followed by GXportal to apply a policy to a user is the following:

1. If the user has a policy assigned, it will be used.

2. If it does not, the policy of the user first role will be used.

3. And if this one has no assigned policy, the repository policy will be used (there is always one assigned).

Finally, at the time of creating a new portal, the choice can be made whether to use a new repository or using an already existing one from the installation.

Product Catalogue in GXportal 4.2
How Do Users Navigate Your Portal?
GXportal 4.2: Scrollbars and Marquee by Sector
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