GeneXus new logo 2006

Events season report

Mexico, United States and Paraguay Meetings took place during last weeks, and showed, once again, that the GeneXus community grows, gets together and, most of all, exchanges.

The V GeneXus Mexico Meeting was a complete success. Over 350 people participated in the meeting that was held at Nikko Campos Eliseos Hotel, where this event has been taken place for 4 years. 

Breogán Gonda and Nicolás Jodal keynotes were delivered in a pleasant environment, worthy of GeneXus Mexico community, as well as the conferences of Gustavo Carriquiry, Maribel Hernández, Oscar León, Javier Acosta and Ivette González, and the acknowledges and awards granted. Guerrero State Government was acknowledged for its "Bet to Innovation"; DICONSA for its "Adoption of GeneXus at Strategic Level" and its "Evangelization work within the Community" of GeneXus Mexico; Raul Esquivel for its contribution to the GeneXus Community and ERP Technologies for "Large Mission Critical Applications Development with GeneXus". Besides, Tonalli Sistemas was acknowledged in the XVI GeneXus International Meeting for the use and promotion of Patterns in Mexico.  

Carlos Zaldívar, participant at the V GeneXus Mexico Meeting, was in charge of writing a brief description of the meeting. "Someone at the event mentioned that he signs his e-mails: "…GeneXus has changed my life…". Anybody would consider it "crazy". Today, I can perfectly understand this signature. The learning curve in GeneXus is minim, provided we have the suitable Background.  After six years of having met GeneXus I share this idea: GeneXus changed my life (or at list part of it) and after three years of teaching it, it keeps on innovating", Carlos said. 

GeneXus USA meeting 2006 was held on November 13 and 14, gathering people searching for sharing, learning and be up-to-date with GeneXus current and future trends. Some of the customers attending the event presented their own success stories using different GeneXus technologies: GXpatterns, projects in GeneXus 9.0 and GXportal. According to Dane Drotts, GeneXus USA President, “this year we had a great response from our customers. We are happy to see the way they continue supporting us as we provide them with the latest GeneXus developments".  

During the event, participants learned about the new GXflow features; the powerful capabilities of the future Rocha version and the path GeneXus is following to guarantee continuous success to all its users.  

Likewise, the first GeneXus Paraguay Meeting was held in this country, on November 22. Over 230 people attended and participated in this event, characterized by an excellent organization, a very good content and mainly a very pleasant environment. All this leads the way to anticipate that this Event is to be repeated year after year.  

You can already download the Mexico Meeting and USA Meeting 2006 materials and photos from their respective web pages. 


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